Sayed Kadiri
Editor, Creditflux
A virtual event, but the reality is that smaller CLO managers are thriving
The 2020 edition of Creditflux’s Manager Awards will always be remembered for the fact that it was a dinnerless, stay-at-home version which took place not in its usual confines at the swanky Landmark Hotel off Baker Street, but at a small TV studio tucked away in south London.
But this year, we are not alone in having to make the best of a bad situation. And the greatest pleasure I take away from our virtual Creditflux Manager Awards is that we were able to connect members of the CLO community at an historic time. We were able to go further than a routine five second acceptance speech at the Landmark: we were invited into the homes of renowned CLO portfolio managers.
Which makes the 2021 edition of the Creditflux Manager Awards a landmark event (pun somewhat intended). We look forward to seeing our audience at the event in person next year. As Sherlock might have put it: “If convenient, then attend in person. If inconvenient, then watch it on demand”.
As an aside, I felt as though the dressed down nature of the event gave a glimpse into the people behind the CLO contracts (and yes, the people are much more important to the running of a CLO than the institution). What titles can I make out on those bookshelves? Isn’t that a spacious garden? And, is that a chaise longues I see in the background?
Appearances were different but our rigorous data-driven process to decide the award winners remained the same (as Baker Street’s most famous resident Sherlock Holmes said: “You know my methods, Watson”). The CLO market is abound with statistics, if you can tell your warf from your OCs. So the best in the business should always be decided based on performance, rather than the votes and judging panels that have become so prominent in financial media.
For the last two years, smaller CLO issuers have triumphed at out awards. In 2019, London’s Spire Partners won the award for manager of the year and this year it was Rockford Tower Capital Management that took the top honours. Both these firms are part of a new generation of manager having launched CLO platforms in 2015 and 2017. Again, the beauty of this business is that there is no hiding from performance - with three or four deals under their belt, a new manager has a track record and performance history to point toward.
That’s not to say that larger CLO managers should be written off. They will always have the advantage of being able to secure better allocations in the primary loan market.
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Sayed Kadiri
Editor, Creditflux
Global credit funds & CLO's
Award Supplement
Published in London & New York.
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